Board of Directors Updates
August 26, 2024 Board Meeting Summary
We are hopeful and energized by the start of the new school year. It is wonderful to see classrooms filled and hear the excitement that comes with a filled campus. We are embracing the school’s theme of hope alongside the rest of the community and we are confident in God’s steadfast provision in all things. We serve a good God!
At the August 26th meeting, all board members were in attendance as well as Julius Siebenga, Head of School. Eunice Greenland opened the meeting with devotions and prayer.
Administrative Updates
Board Handbook Revisions
Head of School Report
Committee Reports
It is not too late to apply to join the Association. Association members play a key role in the governance of our school. Click on the link below to review the membership requirements and submit your application.
2024-25 Board of Directors:
Andrea Terwilliger, President
Eunice Greenland, Vice President
Joel Faber, Treasurer
Alan Leal, Secretary
Katie Kearns, Director
Sherlice Theroux, Director
We are hopeful and energized by the start of the new school year. It is wonderful to see classrooms filled and hear the excitement that comes with a filled campus. We are embracing the school’s theme of hope alongside the rest of the community and we are confident in God’s steadfast provision in all things. We serve a good God!
At the August 26th meeting, all board members were in attendance as well as Julius Siebenga, Head of School. Eunice Greenland opened the meeting with devotions and prayer.
Administrative Updates
- Minutes were approved from the July 22nd meeting.
- Prayer calendar was shared so all board members can pray for school staff throughout the year.
- Key dates were reviewed. The Nov, Dec & May board meetings will need to shift to the 3rd Monday of the month to account for holiday schedules.
- Association membership applications were reviewed and voted on.
- BOD meeting summaries will continue to be shared via Cougar Courier until the new website landing page is ready.
Board Handbook Revisions
- (An ongoing board goal carried over from last year). The drafted updates to the Committee Section of the Board Handbook were reviewed and approved.
Head of School Report
- Enrollment is at 338 as of the date of the meeting. The budget projected enrollment of 340.
- Teacher compensation was discussed as a priority and it was agreed to be further discussed during the strategic planning session in September.
- Meaningful and intentional faith development was discussed as a priority, especially in the context of the shift from being a covenantal to a missional school. This will also be discussed during the strategic planning session in September.
- Extracurricular athletics and drama are off to a great start.
- Work continues with the Finance Committee to refine the budget.
- A Development Committee is being formed; recruits are being considered.
- Regular community events such as “Coffee with the HOS” are being considered as meaningful engagement with the community is sought.
Committee Reports
- Existing Committees include: Finance, Marketing (& Development), Education, Facilities, Nominating, and the High School Taskforce.
- Committee reports were shared with highlights including:
- Finance Committee: review and updating of policies and procedures ongoing.
- Facilities Committee: focusing on applying for another State grant for funding towards additional security upgrades.
- High School Taskforce: report from the prior year information gathering will be presented to the Board in September.
It is not too late to apply to join the Association. Association members play a key role in the governance of our school. Click on the link below to review the membership requirements and submit your application.
2024-25 Board of Directors:
Andrea Terwilliger, President
Eunice Greenland, Vice President
Joel Faber, Treasurer
Alan Leal, Secretary
Katie Kearns, Director
Sherlice Theroux, Director
As a board we are honored to serve you and on behalf of the Contra Costa Christian Schools Association, we look forward to keeping you informed and staying transparent in this Courier and in other areas/ways.
It was great to meet so many of you at the Kick-Off this week as we geared up for the beginning of the school year. We also had some of you apply to be an Association member at the kick-off. We are excited to be able to engage our Association more meaningfully in the near future through a separate site (via our website and/or otherwise … stay tuned). If you haven't applied for Association membership - it is a great way to get involved and help CCCS move forward into the future. As a board, we represent the Association - and below are some updates from our most recent meeting.
Administrative Updates
2024-25 Board of Directors:
Andrea Terwilliger, President
Eunice Greenland, Vice President
Joel Faber, Treasurer
Alan Leal, Secretary
Katie Kearns, Director
Sherlice Theroux, Director
It was great to meet so many of you at the Kick-Off this week as we geared up for the beginning of the school year. We also had some of you apply to be an Association member at the kick-off. We are excited to be able to engage our Association more meaningfully in the near future through a separate site (via our website and/or otherwise … stay tuned). If you haven't applied for Association membership - it is a great way to get involved and help CCCS move forward into the future. As a board, we represent the Association - and below are some updates from our most recent meeting.
Administrative Updates
- Minutes were approved from the previous meeting that included the election of Board Officers: President - Andrea Terwilliger, Vice-President - Eunice Greenland, Treasurer - Joel Faber, Secretary - Alan Leal.
- Key upcoming dates were highlighted, including the Staff Welcome Back Week and the School Kickoff Day on August 12.
- Discussion centered around better communication with stakeholders and methods to share board meeting summaries.
- (An ongoing board goal carried over from last year). There was a focus on refining roles in committees, and ensuring clear leadership within them.
- The board has scheduled their annual board training and a strategic planning session for September 21, 2024. Training will be led by an advisor and representative from Christian Schools International (CSI).
- The previous strategic plan was distributed with encouragement to prepare for the planning session with CSI.
- Enrollment is holding steady at 325 students (now at 335 as of this writing).
- Discussion about challenges in hiring with the given climate and resources available - a definite strategic priority.
2024-25 Board of Directors:
Andrea Terwilliger, President
Eunice Greenland, Vice President
Joel Faber, Treasurer
Alan Leal, Secretary
Katie Kearns, Director
Sherlice Theroux, Director